是說我的英文老師──陳怡菁,丟了一個很讚的作業給我們。那就是思考MUSE的《Invincible》跟《Knights of Cydonia》的歌詞意涵。之前就聽過這些兩首歌,可是誰知道在思考歌詞的時候,我又重新認識了這兩首歌。
《Knights of Cydonia》
Come ride with me
Through the veins of history
I'll show you a god
Who falls asleep on the job
And how can we win
When fools can be kings
Don't waste your time
Or time will waste you
No one's gonna take me alive
The time has come to make things right
You and I must fight for our rights
You and I must fight to survive
這其實牽扯到的東西很廣泛,可能在影射某些地區受欺壓的人民,這也可以運用在自己的身上,例如說你感覺被什麼莫名的東西壓住的時候。這首歌,老實說就像別的MUSE迷一樣,都會覺得Matt是God!Come ride with me這句話就讓我想要跟著Matt走了。而且他還很警世的說:No one's gonna take me alive,沒有人可以讓我感到自己正在活著。這代表著你必須要靠自己!你不能只是等待,你不能只是依靠別人!Wow,我相信有些人正在某方,或是心理某處遭到壓迫的人,看到這歌詞一定會感動到不行。雖然我本身還沒有這種經驗,但是Muse也靠著他們的音樂,去讓更多人關懷這些問題存在,或是使某些人得到一些救贖。
Follow through
Make your dreams come true
Don't give up the fight
You will be all right
Cause there's no one like you
In the universe
Don't be afraid
What your mind conceals
You should make a stand
Stand up for what you believe
And tonight we can truly say
Together we're invincible
And during the struggle
They will pull us down
But please, please let's use this chance to
Turn things around
And tonight we can truly say
Together we're invincible
Do it on your own
Makes no difference to me
What you leave behind
What you choose to be
and whatever they say
Your soul's unbreakable
And during the struggle
They will pull us down
But please, please let's use this chance to
Turn things around
And tonight we can truly say
Together we're invincible
Together we're invincible
老實說我之前沒看歌詞的時候,覺得這首很悶,雖然很不錯,但並不是Muse中我最喜歡的曲子。可是又去想過,看過別人的想法的時候,我居然感動到哭了。基本上這曲子我覺得跟Knights of Cydonia一樣都有一種為了什麼而戰鬥,「起來」的感覺。不過這首卻讓我更加強的感受到一種很無法言喻很溫暖的情愫。特別是這兩句And tonight we can truly say Together we're invincible.不管是扯到政治壓迫或者可以說愛情、友情…什麼的,你都可以在這兩句話中找到一種感動,只要我們一起,我們就會力量無窮!你可以想想:一起參加的比賽,或者是曾經革命過的那些團體,這都是為了某種東西而爭奪的,那種革命情感,這首曲子表露無疑。Muse寫的這首歌詞可以說是相當鼓勵人心的!